The 2d delegation tour in Ukraine
Venue: Kiev, Ukraine V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials Participating countries :Ukraine, Poland, France, Sweden. Second Delegation Tour was organized on April, 23 - April, 27 2013 for researchers from Poland, France and Sweden. The main aim is acquaintance with research facilities, experimental methods, activity and actual research topics of the visited organisations, initiate joint research activities, discuss possibility for application of joint Ukraine-Poland, Ukraine-France, Ukraine-Sweden and HORIZON-2020 research project. The team of EU researchers has visited next scientific Ukrainian institutes: Institute for Superhard Materials (ISM) NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv), Institute of Problems of Materials Science (IPMS) NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv), Institute for Metal Physics (IMP) NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv), National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI , Kyiv) what are part of educational and scientific association with areas of "Material", "Metallurgy and Special Materials" "Materials and Metallurgy" A group of high level EU researchers participated the Tour, including . Prof. S. Porowski, Deputy director of the Institute of High Pressure Physics, Warsaw; Poland . Prof. B. Palosz, Deputy director of the Institute of High Pressure Physics, Warsaw; Poland . Prof. S. Dubois, Pro-rector of the Poitiers University, France . Prof. T. Cabioch, Professor of the Poitiers University, France . Dr. P. Chartier, Assistant Professor of the Poitiers University, France . Dr. V. Solozhenko, Director of Research of LSPM CNRS, Villetaneuse, France . Prof. J.-E. Stahl, Professor of the Lund Technical University, Sweden . Dr. V. Bushlya, Postdoc Researcher of the Lund Technical University, Sweden. Short information about Delegation is below: Visit 1
Visit 2
Visit 3