PR profile Department of Superhigh pressure technologies, functional structured ceramic composites and dispersed materials


Who we are

The department is engaged in the development of high pressure (0.5 - 15 GPa) apparatuses of different types; manufacturing products using high pressure - high temperature technique, hot pressing, injection molding and pressureless and vacuum sintering; spark plasma sintering; in studying of structural peculiarities and properties of dispersed (micro-, submicro- and nanopowders of diamonds, cubic boron nitride, metals, metal alloys, oxides, carbides, heavy alloys, etc.), consolidated structural materials and nanomaterials (superhard, functional, superconducting, smart, transparent, cutting, refractory, oxide-, corrosion- and abrasiveresistant); superconducting and MAX-phases-based films; practical applications of materials .

Collaboration interests

Our department is interested in participating in EU projects under FP7 and other cooperation related to research areas listed below.

Potential role: major partner, scientific expert, test centre.

Research Areas

•Manufacturing of materials by:
- high pressures-high temperatures technique
- hot pressing
- vacuum and pressureless sintering
- injection molding

•Investigation of the materials structure (X-ray, SEM, Auger)

•Testing of superconducting characteristics, electrical conductivity, thermoconductivity

•Mechanical properties study

Main achievements

•Designing and manufacturing of high pressure apparatuses (recessed-anvil-, toroid-, cube-, belt- and multianvil-types)

able to create 1.5-15 GPa pressures in working volumes 1000 - 0.05 cm3 with heating up to 1650 °C.

•Development of synthesis process and implementation into industry of powders of diamonds ASC15-ASC160 grades up to 600/500 μm and cubic boron LKV - KV grades up to 250/200 µm.

•Superconductive nanostructural MgB2- and MT-YBa2Cu3O7-8 - based materials with high functional performance for SC electromotors and inductive fault current limiters (or smart application).

•Oxidation-resistant refractory Ti3AlC2 nanolaminates with high damping ability and highly dense Ti2Al1.1(CxN(1-x))y MAX phases solid solutions.

•Constructional AlN-based ceramics with high-frequency wave absorption.

•Development of technological processes of large-dimensioned ring-shaped products (up to 300 mm) by hot pressing based on Si3N4, SiC, B4C, MgB2.

•Development and manufacturing of line of injection molding for products from micro- and nanodispersed refractory powders and their mixtures with thermoplastic materials.

•High efficient ceramic and tungsten-free hard-alloy cutting tools.

•Development of method of electro-erosion dispersion of micro and nano-powders of metals, metallic, hard and heavy alloys, oxides and carbides, etc.

•Development of processes of formation and optimization of chemical composition of dispersed composite materials (contained superhard materials, nanocarbon, etc.) for abrasive and boring instruments.

Reference projects

•INTAS-UKRAINE-95-0221 "High Pressure /High Temperature Preparation of Melt-textured YBCO High Temperature

Superconductors for Cryomagnetic Applications".

•NATO "Science for Peace" ¹ 973529 project "High Melting Point Nanocrystalline Composite: the Materials of the New Millennium".

•STCU project 1836 "Gradient Multilayer Nanograined-composites Obtained by Advanced High-Pressure, Laser and Rate-Controlled Sintering".

•STCU project 2592 "Promising functional nitride-based materials".

•STCU project 3665 "Perspective nanostructural materials for cryogenic electrical machines".

•Bilateral projects (devoted to super-conducting materials and MAX phases)
Ukrainian- German (5 BMBF projects), Ukrainian - French (4 "Dnipro" projects),
Ukrainian - Hungarian (3 projects),
Ukrainian -Greece (1 project),
Ukrainian - Austrian (3 projects).


Full name of the Research Department:
Department of Superhigh pressure technologies, functional structured ceramic composites and dispersed materials.
Full name of the Institute: Bakul
Institute for Superhard Materials NAS of
Country: Ukraine
Number of employees working in the
research division:
Working languages: Ukrainian, Russian,
Contact person:
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor, Dr. Sci. Tetiana Prikhna
Position: Head of the Department
tel: +380 44 4301126